Sylvestor Stallone Mural





Had the absolute honor of being asked to paint the mural by Sylvestor Stallone for the Sly Stallone Shop @slystalloneshop located at the base of the steps of the Philadelphia museum of art. This mural is directly to the left of the Rocky statue and was quite the piece to work on. Although the brunt of this piece lied in my hands I couldn’t have gotten it done without the help of my very good friend who painted the ornament that made up the frames and my son, Colson, who covered a lot of the parts within the piece that bordered the portraits and general support. Painting this mural turned me into a kid again. With a super tight deadline I remember thinking halfway through that I was not going to have time to finish it in time. Going to sleep I felt defeated only to wake up to a video message from Stallone cheering me on.  I immediately heard the training music from the movies in my head and that was all that was needed. 12-14 hour days and using all my reserved energy I stayed focussed and laid it all out on the table finishing one of my personal favorite murals. 🥊🎨

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Sylvestor Stallone Mural